The Essential Automotive Duty of Care Vehicle Check & Report

Are YOU Doing Enough to Safeguard Yourself ?

You identify a dangerous item on the car you are working on, you report it to the customer and give them a price to rectify it, but they say "No Thanks"

You might even warn them that the car is illegal and should not be driven -

They come to collect their car and drive it away, you are not within your rights to hold onto it and the price you gave was fair

A few miles down the road they are involved in an accident (God forbid it should be fatal !), the police arrive and for sure, this is going to end up in court with Dangerous Driving Charges

YOU Will Be Questioned and required to go to court -

You are the Professionals; their legal representation is going to try to prove you didn't warn them or they didn't understand you correctly, you didn't do enough !

Hopefully you can find evidence to show you acted with a Duty of Care with a Duty of Care Vehicle Check & Report and you can prove it because, your insurance will require it, and You May Be Found Liable if not ! The damages and costs, not to mention your reputation, is unthinkable !

It Might be Time to Review Your Processes !


For an Annual cost of just £45.00 (that's less than 13 pence per day) you will get an online application useable on your mobile device that provides:

A simple online check for Tyres & Brakes plus, a section where you can also enter anything else providing details of what you have found with a warning of it being dangerous

A video recording option where you can show the issue along with your vocal explanation of the danger as evidence

The option to add the price of the repairs

The ability to Text or/and Email your customer access to the online report direct from the application


The system shows when the customer has opened and viewed the video, they also have the option to authorise you to carry out the work directly from the report

If the customer doesn't authorise the work, there is a printable report you can provide to them when they come to collect their vehicle, which indicates that you have told them there is an issue and that it should not be driven, it's not roadworthy and is illegal as shown in the report below:

View Report

PSB Digital Service Ltd

Signature Section

**Report on Vehicle Condition**

This report identifies items considered dangerous defects. Consequently, this vehicle is deemed unsafe for the driver, passengers, and other road users. It should not be driven until the necessary repairs or replacements are made. We strongly recommend that the vehicle be transported using a trailer or transporter.

By signing this report, you acknowledge and fully comprehend the implications, thereby indemnifying us from any liability or legal recourse

You can obtain their signature on a mobile device pre-printing the report and the report can also be emailed as a PDF

This means you have taken all the safeguards you can to protect your customer and yourself, and provides you with evidence of the video you recorded, the video and the report being viewed and a signed report indemnifying you upon collection


Watch the Video:

Too cheap, what's the catch, we can already hear you asking ?

The answer is simple, like you, we have owned garages, we have experienced everything you have, and it's tough. So, this is our way of giving you guys in our industry, a little help. All we need to do is cover the running costs for this base application which is part of our overall bigger solution

Additional Benefits

It's likely to improve your upsell due to the video transparency and legitimate warning

The option to upgrade to a subscription plan and have access to Routine Services and Vehicle Health Checks

Don't Take the Risk

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