Discover how VHC, Digital Routine Services, or the Essential Duty of Care Checks can revolutionise your business operations!
Watch our 4-minute video below and learn how you can -
Boost Sales
Implement efficient processes that drive customer satisfaction and repeat business
Streamline Operations
Save time and reduce errors with automated VHC Checks including a video for transparency
Ensure Compliance - Duty of Care
Stay ahead with simple but comprehensive Duty of Care Checks, keeping you safe and legal should you ever end up in a legal situation
View DetailsReception Videos
Captive Customers in Your Waiting Area? Make sure they know what you offer by showing a bespoke video to them
View DetailsDon’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your business overnight. Watch now and start your journey to success!
Leading the Way for Autocentres, Dealers & Independents with Workshop Digitalisation
At an affordable Price!!

Our system costs £115.00 per Month
That's Only £26.53 per Week or £3.79 per Day!!
No Set-Up Fees & 14 Days Free Trial all with No Obligations
We Guarantee if you use it correctly -
It will definitely give you more revenue!
Ask About the Discounted Annual Subscription Payment
Please view the next pages and also read the VHC Benefits page to learn more
Duty of Care & Reception Videos Are Essential to your business, View More via the Menu
Plus, there is an automated follow-up for those items identified but are required in the near future, so you don't miss out on that potential work or have to go looking through paperwork to call them. No more scrappy hand ticked paper reports either, customers are used to seeing more & more digital and scrappy paper is no longer cool, the final report can be printed or sent as a pdf to the customer. The digital record is always retained and can easily be retrieved from History if required
Digital Routine Service Checks & VHC templates have been pre-created to let you get started quickly but you can also create your own if required

Complete the Routine Service or VHC Check on a mobile or tablet. All items are marked as completed to save you time. Simply tap to un-check any items that are not applicable
Hover over or tap the images below to read more

Identify any additional items and enter them as you go, no need to type, just tap and add the Defect and the Condition. In addition, you can enter more than one Defect for items such as Suspension or Brakes where there may be multiple issues

Red for Urgent (Required Now) is pre-selected but you can also select Amber (Advisory or Future Work)
You can also record a video of any items you have identified to send to the customer, it provides 100% transparancy along with duty of care

Hold the device still and don't swing around
Your customer can view and authorise the work directly from the online report on their mobile, letting you get on with the work. Improving Upsell through Transparency & Trust whilst furthermore, Offering a Highly Professional Customer Service
Hover over or tap the images below to read more

The video appears right at the top of the page so it's the first thing your customer will see

Items are shown as Red or Amber Advisory/Future and are easy for your customer to select and authorise

Your customer's have to take a couple of secure steps to authorise the work
You can print or send them the Service Check you carried out, any additional items identified are detailed on a separate page and in addition, your brand or logo with your Workshop Name, will appear at the top

Our app costs £115.00 per Month
That's Only £26.53 per Week or £3.79 per Day!!
No Set-Up Fees & 14 Days Free Trial with No Obligations
We Guarantee if you use it correctly -
It will definitely give you more revenue!
Ask About the Discounted Annual Subscription Payment
Duty of Care & Reception Videos Are Essential to your business, View More via the Menu
Digital Routine Service & VHC Check templates have been pre-created to let you get started quickly but you can also create your own if required

You can also record a video of any items you have identified to send to the customer, it provides 100% transparancy along with duty of care

Hold the device still and don't swing around
Complete the service check on a mobile or tablet. Hover over or tap the images to read more

Identify any additional items and enter them as you go, no need to type, just tap and add the Defect and the Condition. In addition, you can enter more than one Defect for items such as Suspension or Brakes where there may be multiple issues
All check items are marked as completed to save you time. Simply tap to un-check any items that are not applicable

Red for Urgent (Required Now) is pre-selected but you can also select Amber (Advisory or Future Work)
Your customer can view and authorise the work directly from the online report on their mobile or desktop

The video appears right at the top of the page so it's the first thing your customer will see
Letting you get on with the work. Improving Upsell through Transparency & Trust whilst furthermore, Offering a Highly Professional Customer Service

Items are shown as Red or Amber Advisory/Future and are easy for your customer to select and authorise
Your customer agrees to pay and then steps through security checks before receiving an SMS/Email of the work confirmed

Your customer's have to take a couple of secure steps to authorise the work
You can print or send the Check you carried out, any additional items identified are detailed on a separate page. Your brand or logo with your Workshop Name, will show at the top